It's really pretty simple. Art keeps me balanced. It's been my constant companion my whole life. It challanges me to think critically, forcing me to find multiple answers to questions. Art helps me to communicate when words just get in the way. I express myself while recording my reactions to the world around me. I am blessed to have art in my life, as it truely has given me the Creative License to be INDIVIDUAL.
-Angie Stinchfield
Sometimes I feel like I fell off the planet and entered a time warp of daily survival. Time is divided by meals, sleep, bodily functions and keeping up the house. Becoming a MOM has been the most humbling experience that I have ever had. LIFE CHANGING! I have managed to maintain a successful photography and art business, along with working for my husband's business as well. I give the love, make the food, change the diapers, pick up the messes, get my work done, and then DRINK WINE :) I have lost ME in a lot of ways. My identity got lost somewhere between being a wife and a mom. Damn it - I'm an ARTIST TOO. I vow this year to make more art for myself - which always helps me to define my self and what I'm going through. This year has been filled with births and deaths and a ton of changes. I am ready for a new year and to lose the chains that bind me to some of the negative thoughts in my head. I'm ready to smile enjoy the moment and be present with ALL OF MY SURROUNDINGS. Life happens to you while you are busy making plans for it.