It's really pretty simple. Art keeps me balanced. It's been my constant companion my whole life. It challanges me to think critically, forcing me to find multiple answers to questions. Art helps me to communicate when words just get in the way. I express myself while recording my reactions to the world around me. I am blessed to have art in my life, as it truely has given me the Creative License to be INDIVIDUAL.
-Angie Stinchfield
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
How I Keep My Sanity:
When I get on the wheel - I turn my mind completely off. Some people do yoga ... I throw mud! I truly is the ONLY thing in my life that I don't over think. I rarely jump on the wheel and say to my self ... I'm going to throw a bowl. If I do that it usually gets all messed up - because of the preconceptions that I had in my mind. Throughout the years I have learned to simply let the clay mold itself. I started throwing in 1994 with one of my favorite teachers of all time Mr. Thomas @ Helena High. He taught me more than any of my professors ever did in college ... and my education from him was free! When I started teaching art ... I really didn't have time for it. So there was a period of 5 years that I maybe threw 10 items total. I kept waiting and waiting for a teacher to retire (who has been there for 80 years), so I could teach - just one ceramics class. But, it never happened and I wasn't about to put my happiness on the line and look like a fool for who know how many more years. It was a life changing decision to take this "leap of faith" and start this business and I have never, not once regretted it! I am currently teaching a ceramics class @ the Helena Clay Arts Guild! I have a group of amazing adults that are interested in learning and want to be there! It's a whole new experience. They are nice, don't interrupt, throw things, mouth off, etc. Don't get me wrong I do miss high schoolers from time to time - but lets be honest ... it's a really hard age. Right now my business is BOOMING! Not only am I throwing like crazy, which brings me intense peace, but I'm also painting commissions left and right, and booking photo shoots continuously. I feel like I can do anything. I hope that my story is an inspiration for anyone who is telling themselves ... "I'll just wait it out". There is no time like the present. Don't sell your sell short - life is too short!
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